Defective Women Exclusive Store

Tian Yu Kong
Shanghai, 2018

Client Pitch
Internal Reviewed

Empower Chinese women to break the constraints of social expectations.


Chinese women are often pressured and restrained from standing out and being their best. If they break the expectations, they are called “going too far”. And a woman going too far is not a woman accepted by the society.


On International Women’s Day, we turn every product sold in the Nike Women store into a “defective product”, rallying Chinese women to ignore the social judgements and pursue their full potential by redefining success on their own terms.

We replace the “Qualification Certificate” attached with each product by a special “Defective Product” tag. An entire Nike Women store selling all “defective products” will soon capture national media headlines!

We co-create the “defective products” with top influencers who best represent each criticism received by women who are going too far. The exact wordings of the criticism will be labeled on each corresponding “defective product” tag.

To extend the cultural impact from a limited-time offline event to social media, we invite our celebrity ambassadors, influencers and consumers to customize their own statements on the “defective product” tag and share it on social media.

Driven by the scarcity of this special collection of “defective products” and the bold messages they carry, the collection will be speculated on second-hand trading platforms like Xian Yu (China’s eBay) and Poizon, triggering a wider discussion.


Creative Group Head: Nan Yi